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Front of the Sail
Front of sail
Back of the Sail
Back of the Sail
Back of the Sail
Back of the Sail
Hanging the sail
Artists delivering artpacks
Preparing the collage packs
Instruction Cards
Instruction Card
Collage packs
Hand delivered Collage pack
Lockdown 2020
Collage packs and participants
Made by participant age 3
Model of the Sail
The Sea Inside was a community art project and collaboration with the artists Jacqueline Briggs and Alice Taylor from March-September, 2020. The project was funded by Nature.Scot's 'Plunge In! Coasts and Waters Community Fund.' The Sea Inside explored and celebrated the communities connection with the sea. We researched knowledge and stories, linked with the local coast. We then created 'collage art packs' from the research, which we handed out to members of community (ages 3-87). This is what the final artwork is comprise of.
Please see more on: the Courthouse Website
And: Instruction Video
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